EUCHENER, Position Switche, Multifunctional Gate Box, Multiple Limit Switche, Inductive Identsystem, Non-Contact Safety Switche, Trip Rail, Enabling Switche, Safety Relay, Safety Hinge, Joystick Switche, Pendant Station, Electronic-Key-System,
EUCHNER developed and introduced the first � multiple limit switch� world-wide . The design and development of switching devices for controlling a wide variety of motions in the field of machine and plant construction is its main business
- Multifunctional Gate Box
MGB with PROFINET, Evaluation Unit CES-AR-AES, ESH readjustable,
Handwheel HKB with Click, Control Module for the MGB
- Safety
Safety switche, Safety system, Safety relay, Enabling switche, Emergency stop device, Rope pull switche,
- Automation
Multiple limit switche, Single limit switche, Single hole fixing limit switche, Position switche EN 50041, Trip rails/ trip dog, Plug connector, Ident system
- ManMachine
Hand-held pendant station, Handwheel, Joystick switche, Elektronic-Key-System.